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194 Movie Reviews

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Well, you have a very nice signature intro, though i've reviewed that one before. Though i've been wondering for some time what the name of that music is.

Now to rate you all individually :)

GameSlaveClock, your contribution had a lot of humour, especially at the gangsta-duck part. But even though you used speakonia voices, the sound was horrible. I didn't like the outline either, though it was better than nothing. I really had a laugh at this. It wasn't any sofisticated humour, just plain thought-up-in-a-minute kind of humour, and i like it.

MellyYelloClock: your clip was the best, basicly beacuse of it's graphics. I'm a lousy animator myself, and i don't know how to blur. So i woildn't know if it's hard or not, but it looked cool anyway. The clock looked fun in his paniced expression, and the quacking duck was a laugh, too. E.S. Posthumus for the song, i see. Neat.

TruffleClock, your clip wasn't really what i would call great. Or good. Or decent. Though i know that for a loop, it seemed to contain some work, just in order to give people a seziure. More animated stuff, that's what i would like.

HappyLeetGost, i didn't think you'd do a thing like that. There's really nothing to rate, so i'll simply have to give you a low score for that one. A bit fun, still.

Now, you guys should keep animating if you think it's fun. You don't have to listen to my advice, beacuse i wouldn't care anyway. Just, lol @ those who claim to hate you guys.

~ Frost


That's really the only word i can come up with that can describe this movie. It makes you take a deep breath, sighing of delight, and enjoy life. But that's really all thanks to the music. It's not really the kind i listen to, but it has this relaxed and easy-going theme, which i dig quite a lot. It's got odd lyrics, but you managed to draw it up to this movie very well.

Another thing that i've noticed about your movies. It's the fact that they all have very, very low filesize. I haven't browsed through all of them yet, but i don't think there's a single one of them (of those you submitted) that has over 500 kb. I think this shows that you care for the viewers, so that those with slow connection doesn't have to wait that long. I wouldn't have cared much if this was a movie that was at 4 megabytes, partly beacuse i have a speedy internet, but mainly beacuse this movie is really good. Let's stick with the last mentioned reason, shall we?

Though it hasn't been an outstanding work on the graphics, i still find it pleasureable. It pleases me in some way i have encountered few times in my life as a reviewer. Take the part where the windows opens. It wasn't smooth at all, it was just, all right. And when the boy and the girl got drawn, i found it very... cute. I don't use that word often, but i can't seem to find a better word to describe it. And the space background looked very nice, with it's cascade of colours that reminded me of some book i read back when i was seven, so that brought back a memory of mine. It also happened to have some strong emotions underneath me. What are the odds of that? :) Also, the very asteroid was drawn i childish way, but still.... cute, and about as goo as i could draw one myself. And when the two astronauts came hoovering by, i thought they were exeptionally good made, except for the faces. Not horrible, just not good.

No violence at all, very little humour, due to the funny lyrics that made no sense at all, though it was alright with interactivity, since you put up quite a lot background information about yourself, the animation, and someone else. Forgot who. Was it the band maybe? I suppose i'll know soon enough.

So, it's a movie that has been done by heart, i can really feel it. or, if i happen to be wrong opn that point, then i don't want to be corrected. This is now one of my fauvorite flashes on newgrounds, only beacuse of the impact it had on me. Great job!

~ Frost

Bezman responds:

Your review is lovely to read, if only because I'm glad you enjoyed it. You have a way with words that makes your own emotions echo in the readers mind.

The main criticism I would make is your seeming reluctance to make any real criticism.

There are a few points throughout your review, where it seems as if a criticism is about to emerge from your typing fingers.

However, they remain submerged, almost invisible.

"But that's really all thanks to the music."
"it hasn't been an outstanding work on the graphics"
"It wasn't smooth at all, it was just, all right."
"...except for the faces. Not horrible, just not good."

It's obvious that there must be parts you dislike, but you seem to dodge and skirt around them, determined to divert attention from your having mentioned them as soon as you can.

In my mind, a review (when partially directed at the author) should consist of 3 elements - some positive comments, some constructive criticism and an overal summary of your thoughts and your 'experience'.

I think your review would have been even better had it had some more specific criticisms. Some suggestions for improvement.

Having said that, I can understand the ambivalence about the graphics, for example. Maybe they're technically bad but you enjoy them in some ways?

You mention the low filesize in my work, but fail to realise that most of them are silent.

You have a little bit of humour in your review, which is nice.

The review was a great read and thanks for that. If I'm feeling down sometime, maybe I'll read this review.


Best. Sprite. Ever.

I'm absolutely thrilled by the fact that we have a new series going on here. The coreagrophy (or how the hell you spell it, but you get the idea) in combination of the music made me go all punching in the air for at least an hour afterwards. I wish it was like this in the real games, were you realy could predict the other players move and block it quicker than your eye could percept. It was as coolest when the hits got blocked and when Ryu made a Hadoken frenzy, that freezed the image, and made you help a little in your mind so that the punch could get extra hard. Also the slowmotion events was extremely well made, like when scorpion dodged Ryu's flying kicks by jolting backwards. Also the white explosion of light that was shown after each hit was very nice, and so was the blocking flash, and that mega-super Hadoken that Ryu ran into. The movie length was just plain alright though i think Scorpion might've thrown his hook maybe once or twice too much. It got a bit boring to hear ''Come here!'' after a while. But that doesn't affect the score. At all. You made a fantastic work. And it also seemed as Ryu had a lot more variety in his moves, it didn't get repetitive att all. it must be hard to make then fight equally without having the same amount of attacks ready. But that cold mean much work for you

The music was one great factor that got your adrenaline pumping. A sidenote is that i'm listening to it right now :) It sounds like it's from a Matrix scene, though i can't recall which of the scenes it is, or even what movie it is. And when i got the song on my computer, it says that it fits in the category Ambient. Maybe that's why i liked it, though i don't find it realxing in any form. Only ego-tripping. I wonder if the maker has more similar songs, beacuse i wouldn't doubt spending money in order to lay my hands on it. Also, one small thing, when Ryu got a hard hit, the sound was really satisfactional. The large number of music was a really nice thing, i don't give a flying fuck if it increases filesize, partly beacuse i completely adore this flash, but also beacuse i have a speedy internet. I'd stick with the movie quality as a reason, though. And again, the music is just addicting. I've probably been listening to it twenty times today.

All the little things: The health bars, the message that indicated the number of hits and damage percentage, the infinite time icon, ALL of it, was of very high quality and precise, accurate placed. Also the pictures next to the subtitles was truly great, and i got the idea that you made the background of the menu in photoshop, which adds to additional plus marks. Very nice menu layout, with small, stylish buttons and clear scene selections. And, a very great credits scene. A round of applaudes.

And the fact that Ryu got the upper hand in the beginning, made you cheer for Scorpion in order to get the match more even, and then your wish got granted! Just to please all audiences, you made Ryu win in the end. Also, the different level addition was very interesting, taking this to a hole new level (litterally). So, damn beautiful. Though when Scorpion threw all of those hooks like a lunatic, it was a bit too much. It was cool watching Ryu dodging them though, but alas, in vain. This movie was indeed a lot more dramatic than your first one, an amazing difference already. Will you stick with your current quality, or will you try to improve it even more? Hopefully, yes, but i still want you to have fun making a movie like this. Goddamn, this movie is great

A real fantastic piece of art, a masterpiece in it's on category, the fighting movie, but also amongst sprites this is truly one of a kind. I can't wait until next match, secretly hoping for Sub-Zero to enter the fray, since he's my fauvorite. Don't have a Street Fighter fauvorite, though. one question though, (even though you probably won't be reading this, but whatever) Exactly what Street Fighter game are the sprites from? I'm thinking of buying it on an auction or something

~ Frost

Quite nice, actually.

Well, making a flash like this isn't hard, it's just very heaped. And considering that you made a long one like this, you must have loads of paitence and a determination greater than most people.

All the characters are very smoothly drawn, though it's a high lack of detail. it's just one colour, and on some occasions a line arround him/it with a different colour. Therefore, you will only get a five. Though i understand this, since you seemed to aim at movie length than quality perfection, and that's fine with me. Wait, i remember now that there was a bird, and it was indeed nicely detailed, with more than two colours. But the score stays.

And i love Bomfunk Mc's! Also, the title of the song was very suitable for this flash, seeing that was some freestyle moves, in mostly soccer and skating. It all looked very cool. Also, when the song is this slow in the beginning i also noticed that the animations, well, at least some of them, went in slow-motion. It looked real nice.

No humour, no violence, though the bar at the bottom that indicated the length of the movie gives you additional points to interactivity, beacuse you can see when the movie reaches it's end.

Then, in all, one of the better flashes in this sub-category. Which is when a person adds a movieclip from a real skater or whatever, draws from that, and then deletes the avtual movie. This is indeed real nice. Good Work!

~ Frost


A big round of apllaudes fot the great intro. It was a purely artistic masterpiece. The rain effect was very smooth, and the feeling got more intense when there was this slight shade of blue over the screen. Also, the shading was just awesome, on the sky, the hills, and the building. However, most intros usually contain a ''skip'' button, but i know that you guys knew people only would vote after seeing 10 seconds of this animation. Well, the whole movie is still good.

Truffleclock, your contribution to this collaboration was of ver nice quality. You had working quite a lot on the details, and the berrys in the bowl was very nice. Though this thing only lasted three seconds. Did you guys have a time preassure or what? You really tried here, but i'd much rather see one of you being late with it's work rather submitting it with only a slight percentage of the movive done.

HappyLeetGost, your contribution to this collaboration had a plot. I'm no fan of reading messages like thses in flashes, but the timing of which the text changed was of great precision. And you got a laugh out of me when i saw the ferret :)

MelloYelloClock, your contribution weren't all that great, though not pure rubbish either. the hook was pretty sloppy drawn, you could've worked some more on that. The fire effect when Gost got burned was alright, also the shading to black. Could've done with some more details, and then i'd be satisfied.

GameSlaveClock, your contribution was soley a loop, of which three characters was constantly changing appearence in some form of way. I don't recall idf the background was a pic or a hand drawn picture, though at least a background was there, so that'll give you an extra point.

It seems as you guys could perform great things, if you just had some patience and motivation. But then again, animating should be a fun thing to do, not something one should be forced to do. You guys only do waht you think is entertaining, and hopefully, it'll look terrific.

~ Frost

You're the present Clockmaster :)

No really, as far as i know, you're one of the better clock animator that is still active and making flashes. Keep them coming, beacuse these are great.

And it's the usual graphics. No black lines, making things look all three-dimensional. Bounce effects was a nice little thingie, and i love when things happen in the background, like making that other clock (forgot who that was) decided to take a leak in public. This didn't affect anything at all, though the pool of piss was sort of sloppy made. Clock voices are pretty easy to judge, it usually ends around six, though you had a female voice that weren't made by speakonia, which raises the score to a seven. And of course, a great sense of humour.

Personally i think the patience test was the hardest of them all. But, silly me, i know the two others were just a joke. Maybe not the B-test, though you sort of figured that one out, since it's clock movie. And then you probably got bored and made a note where it said that SBC was awaty for a year. Which made this cartoon a bit too short. And it wasn't too fun with only two clocks that was shown, and the other one didn't even say anything. But, this movie still rocks my world. And as i said, continue working, for the CC's sake. You're good.

~ Frost

Gregosan responds:

Long review!

The other clock you were saying is LeekClock taking a leak outside the CCHQ.

It's just an intro movie btw, I joined CC a few dats ago. So I didn't plan to make it very long.

Thank you very much for your support!

Pure Gold.

Oh, i want all of the Bitey animations on a DVD, so can watch it with my surround system and widescreen TV at home. I'd absolutely love that.

This is a style of it's own. There is no movie in the history that can match this. Well, of course, i meant flash movies, since there is a few that can stand up against this one. But this flash has a great perspective theme, where you catch some of the many abnormal events that cannot be found out there in the woods outside my little hunting hut. Like that plantbird, or whatever it was. A clever idea indeed. Beacuse at first i just thought that it was a plant that could snap bugs just like that. Nothing original. And then it started to walk. That made me think. And when it started to fly away, i was just amazed. Applaudes!

And in the beginning, we have this large overgrown hairball, that gracefully jumps between hills for some reason. It isn't until you see this similar creature that has problem walking, that you understand what he's looking for. And i can easily assume that the hairy kid was the one called ''littleFoot''. That was also chasing this FlowerBird.

And then we have this Bitey. He made a quite cool intro where he heard a noice, and then threw something in that direction, with a satisfying sound of pain following it. All of this is a perfect layup for a plot. You know that Bitey will meet this littleFoot, and you have a slight feeling of what the outcome will be like.

Going to another part in this movie. When you see these fireflies, it's almost just like all of the FBF shorts i see daily through the portal. This however, has a slight difference. They're glowing, making them look just plain awesome. I mean just, damn.

Okay, so Bitey has spotted littleFoot, only beacuse he has such amazing eyesight, beacuse i saw nothing in the first frame, though when you zoomed in, you could see an orange dot. Moving on a little, when Bitey was blocking littleFoot's way, it wasn't expected that littleFoot would become such furious little devil, almost like the dog in Earth Worm Jim, only just less dangerous. And haha, what i laughed when he bit off some of Biteys pubes! However, Bitey controlled the situation pretty well. And then it wasn't too unexpected that the father (mother?) showed up just like that. When Bitey later threw that pile of grass in his (her?) face, i just loved it that you used the power of animating to make Bitey jump that supernatural length, and also making the father (mother?) throw that big lump of rock at him.

And the ending leaves the door open for another sequal! And i must say that those alien reminded me alot of Bitey himself, even tohugh i only saw the shades of them. And they're speech, it sounded like they were talking backwards, though i couldn't desipher it to find out what the original laungage was. So, in all, A superb work done by you! I am deeply impressed. Please continue making these, even though i know i don't have to ask. Take your time, the only thing i care a bout is quality, not how long it'll take for you.

~ Frost


Outstanding work here! I think the plot has improved alot since the first episodes, and the same goes with graphics.

Like in the first scene, for example, in Father Oblivions hive. Lot's of background detail, and nice tentacle fbf movements. Though that was the only scene with ''him'' in it. I don't know his name, so for now on i'll only referr to him as ''him''. I still take it he's the main character.

When that scene ended, the viewer had to hypotheses. Will the aliens use him in order to achieve world dominance, or are they a good species that just desire understanding? I'll choose world dominance myself. Well, at least ''him'' will have some minutes to rest without worrying for any monster attack.

You must have a thing with gore. When one of the troops died, you just had to make his belly fall out when the grandaddy monster decided to make a spider out of him, right? Well, it was effectful. And when that doctor told the remaning troops the story, i thought it was of almost equal quality as theater movie. Haha, and you involved Sweden to the project :)

Great voice acting, even though the speech didn't alway match with the subtitles. Oh, and i must go back to the graphics. All those creatures in those tubes... Just fantasticly drawn, with lots of detail.

I wouldn't be surprised if this got a collection of it's own :) Keep working!

~ Frost

GrimEntertainment responds:

Tack och tack! Jag gjorde iallafall inte om huvud karaktären till ett monster som du fruktade från förra delen(:
Väldig kul att du gillar serien och jag hoppas verkligen att få höra från dig vid de kommande delarna, och ja jag har minna röter i splatter filmernas underbara värld, tack igen!


Are Captain Capitalism only there for educating children or what? Is he a teacher, rather than a hero that lives on beating up the defilers of society? Then explain why he has this rather large amount of muscles. And another thing that's pretty uncommon about him is that his face sint't masked. So, he must be one of those who don't interfere with the criminals business, but only correcting the ignorants form doing ant mistakes in their present and future life.

Awesome movie! It was drawn in a comicly kind of way, i.e. Exactly the kind of animating you'd find in a comic-book. Which means it isn't that extremely detailed, though it's high quality stuff. Though when it changed to educational-movie-style, the details and decorationds were intense and it was plenty of it. Not a single spot that i'd make better myself, even if i can't do much with my hands.

Sound quality and lip-sync was of extreme high quality, and i think this is one of the things that makes awesome movie like these stand out form the regular flashes on would find by only hitting the random button. Also, the script and the dialouge that went on was of highest quality. Lots of creds from me.

Not much violence, nor interactivity, other than clicking some buttons to get to your webiste to purchase unessecary items. Though the humour and the scrpit, which was already mentioned, is of the greatest grand. He is so serious on his point, and it also makes a lot of sense, even though he left out a lot of things that could be said. And when he nicked the coin in the end, i thought was hilarious.

In all, a fucking fantastic masterpiece. Though you had a tough week, with great compatitors, that was just above in quality. I think this movie didn't get an award, beacuse it was to short. Now, i doesn't by any means imply that this was short to begin with, but while watching most of the weekly winners, the have a signifigant longer movie length. So, better luck next time!

~ Frost


What a catchy song! Dayum, i didn't know there was a song about eBaums at all, let alone a great one as this.

So, the characters were drawn good, in a comicly kind of way, which raises the score some points, beacuse i'm a fan of comicly drawn characters. However, these were no masterpieces of art, they just served as bricks in this little play. Nice little idea of putting a burglar mask on him, though i don't know what to say about him being hateful agianst everything. I know nothing about that case. When the song reached to when he banged his mom, i laughed when the guys facial expression changed the way it did. Oh, and i didn't get the point of the man that got his arms cut off, or the ''Not very good day'' thingie.

The background i suppose was meant to be a comic-ish picture of the sun, but i turned out a lot like Newgrounds on background in it's logo. Or maybe i'm wrong, you really meant for it to be that way.

The humour was mostly based on the song, but you managed to make the viewer laugh at some events, only looking at the cartoon itself. A ten for you, i will give.

In all, one of the better toons, i've ever seen. Great job!

~ Frost

altffour responds:

There wasn't a song about eBaums before this flash, it is all original.

Song, characters, animations. All created last weekend by trapazoid and I.

I haven't failed - I've just found 10,000 ways that doesn't work

Emil Eklund @Frostbreath

Age 34, Male


Joined on 8/3/04

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